Devon Local Dental Committee (LDC) represents all General Dental Service (GDS) providers, and performers attached to GDS contracts. Other dentists in Devon may wish to opt in to join the LDC, where they can enjoy the advice, services and representation provided by Devon LDC.
Dentists who wish to opt in to Devon LDC should contact us for details about how to do so.
Representing dentists in primary care
Devon LDC is the formal mechanism through which the NHS and other related bodies consult with local dentists in Devon. Issues range from the procurement of new services and contracting matters, to the development of new care pathways and the integration of dental services with other parts of the health economy.
In order to ensure we hear your views and take account of all those of whom we are representative, please contact us if you would like to convey your views on any matters of local interest. We are always happy to hear from you.
Democratically appointed representatives
LDC members are elected by all eligible practitioners (GDS providers and performers, and those who opt in). Elections are held regularly and every eligible practitioner is sent papers to advise them when there is an opportunity to stand for a seat on the LDC. Where there are more nominees than seats on the LDC, an election is held by postal ballot.